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Core Lawn Aeration

Lawn Aeration Service

Our services are customizable to accommodate all property types





Typical Property Types:

Semi detached to smaller detach homes

Our price varies depending on exact Sqft

Typical Property Types:

Average homes to much larger homes

Our price varies depending on exact Sqft

Millwright Canada's Lawn Aeration without a doubt is the most beneficial service, our team aerate with efficiency and detail. 

All of our services are 100% workmanship guarantee

Core Lawn Aeration Prices

Invoice & Payment

Lawn Aeration services are Pre-paid or Invoiced, Millwright Canada accept, cash, cheques & E-transfer

Request A Quote

Request A Quote Today & Someone will follow up with you

Pre-Book Online: Receive 1st Grass cutting service paid by Millwright Canada


Millwright Canada's Equipment powered by Honda, Stihl, Echo, Billy Goat & Ryan Turf




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